Services Offered
The following is a comprehensive list of everything that we do and offer to our current customer base. If you have any kind of information technology requirement, most likely we can help you out or at the very least point you in the right direction. Should you be looking for any specific, please do not hesitate to drop us an email or give us a call. We do not charge for conversations and pride ourselves upon being extremely helpful!
Website, Email, Domain & VPN Hosting
We provide a wide variety of incredibly reliable and fast local website, email, domain and VPN hosting services to our customers. Instead of limiting customers to a certain amount of disk space, email addresses and forwarders costing is defined out solely on the amount of data / traffic that is being used with unlimited everything else.
Website Design & Development
Here at Tyrmida we have been publishing websites for over 5 years now and achieved some fantastic results for our customers. It is no doubt that the Internet has quite an important role to play in marketing strategies today. From small low cost basic information websites that puts your small business on the map to advanced database driven graphic intensive websites with web administration utilities through which you can manage the content yourself ? we do it all!
Consumables & Printer Cartridges
You shouldn't have to drive around buying your printer cartridges and optical media at exorbitant retail prices. Tyrmida has formed some fantastic partnerships with all of the major importers and distributors of printer cartridges in South Africa to offer you a reliable source for consumables to be delivered to your front door at a decent price. All our consumables are authentic originals from major manufacturers (HP, Epson, Canon, Lexmark etc).
Bulk SMS & Email Solutions
As a company that is quite familiar with marketing of businesses on a variety of platforms, talk to us about bulk SMS and Email solutions to further your business, establish better communication with your customers and push up revenues. We can either provide you with your own software & system in your office at a monthly management fee for unlimited amounts of data at a lower cost or do a hosted solution where you pay per amount of traffic or SMS credits used.
Internet Service Provider
We offer a variety of Internet Service Provider services such as Dialup, ADSL and Wireless Based solutions. Tyrmida believes in a well communicated relationship with our customers. When you reach your ADSL data cap for example, why should you phone your ISP every time to increase it temporarily or even worse, create a second account? We are experienced in advanced services such as secondary backup internet connections (never be offline again!), branch network links and remote access to your office.
Logging and Restricting of Staff Internet Usage
Have a problem with staff abusing internet and email services at your office? Then call us! We can put systems in place establishing the bandwidth usage and even more importantly, the amount of time spent on individual websites by staff members. We can allow and block certain websites per computer or user name and restrict specific internet services (Instant Messaging, Peer to Peer Downloading etc).
I.T. Infrastructure Budgeting
Since we run our customers? I.T. infrastructures on long-term relationship basis, we are skilled in creating yearly budgets for companies? computer related expenses. Know exactly what you are going to spend before you spend it and get control of unknown and unstable I.T. expenses. From cost of ownership, infrastructure growth requirements and software & hardware upgrades to cost-saving solutions. You need to know how much your I.T. is costing and will cost you in the future.
Software Development
We are fully qualified in software development to create applications fulfilling specific needs of customers. From network and web based database driven applications to basic scripts and utilities to simplify tasks. Replacing of manual tasks with automated systems and Integration of applications and processes is becoming an incredibly important part of everyday business. If you have a problem or have a gap somewhere, let us know and perhaps we can quickly and easily help you out.
Monitoring & Performance Logging
We know when something goes wrong even before your office staff notice it. Tyrmida employs a extensive range of central monitoring and logging tools to ensure that we stay on top of the general health of your network. Every device and server on your network can be added to our system to monitor everything from accessibility and uptime to free hard drive space. Notifications on error and critical status are sent via SMS and Email messages for immediate action.
Surveillance Cameras
Tyrmida specialises in modern I.P. (Network) based surveillance solutions. However we are experienced with classic analogue systems for maintenance or expanding of existing systems. We believe in doing neat and tidy professional installations that will last a lifetime without taking cheap shortcuts. We understand the need and requirements of surveillance cameras and can meet and fulfil those requirements instead of spending money just for the sake of installing surveillance.
Terminal Based Computing
As a company who try to keep our customers? reliability as high and costs as low as possible, we recommend terminal based computing to all of our customers. In a nutshell this means that all users work on a central server and at their desks there is simply just a very low cost thin-client terminal. This decreases initial and ownership costs, electricity requirement, software licensing and maintenance required and brings total control and reliability to your network. Ask us for a demo and you will be amazed!
Backup Solutions
How well protected is your company against data loss of all forms? In today's world 90% of our businesses' information is on computers. Do not fall victim to the headache that is losing that valuable information. Tyrmida can provide you with anything from a daily-incremental to a weekly-offsite backup solution. We provide free audits to businesses to establish how protected the company is against any I.T. disaster.
Custom Servers
As an I.T. services provider, we have quite a complicated and involved server configuration to run on our side for our customers, however sometimes it makes financial sense to rather run certain services on your own hardware on-site. On Linux/BSD and Windows based servers, we are well-versed in any kind of server; whether it is email, network, terminal services, domain controller, file, domain name, web or monitoring servers. We also provide maintenance agreements on hardware and software configurations.
Computer Sales, Repairs and Maintenance
We have more than 10 dealerships with all of the major distributors and importers of hardware and software in South Africa. We also provide an on-site or fetch & return service to customers from the home user to big corporations. Use our ability and extensive knowledge to sort out any problem you might have. We do the job properly without losing your data or breaking things further with short turnaround times. We will also recommend the right products and not just anything.
Network Security, Spam & Anti-Virus Solutions
If you have one to five individual computers (at home or at work) we can provide you with cost effective but highly rated and proven individual security software for each. For more than five computers in offices we provide SME oriented software that is centrally manageable (reporting, scans, updates and configuration). This reduces maintenance and license renewal costs dramatically with so an incredible amount of additional benefits. Ask us why this is the right way to go and we will give you a full demo.
Industry Specific Sales Leads
We have developed tools to extract industry specific companies? contact details out of public databases to be used by our customers as sales leads. Leads being industry specific will ensure that on appointment or call that your sales target is in the market for your services, therefore reducing wasted time spent on companies that will not be interested in your services.
I.T. Service Level Agreements
Tyrmida's primary focus with customers has always been Maintenance & Support agreements. Our goal is to form a long-term relationship with our customers outsourcing their I.T. staff requirements. For most Small and Medium Enterprises or Larger Companies with remote branches this becomes necessary as full-time on-site I.T. support staff runs too expensive.
Unlike the common industry standard to provide I.T. maintenance & support agreements based on hours, our service is priced according to the infrastructure and users that need to be supported.
Voice Over IP PBX & Least-Cost Routing
Tyrmida offers fully network integrated reliable telephone systems (big or small) at the fraction of the cost of major providers. With lower cost of ownership and advanced features such as call recording regardless of system size, let us demonstrate to you why our systems are simply the only choice! We also incorporate least cost routing methods that saves call charges not only on cellular but local, national and international calls as well.